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Thursday, 5 February 2015


Sometimes, you feel that you are fast enough for your surroundings. Your frequency does not match with the people you interact. It doesn’t disturb you in any manner mostly, and you make yourself compatible with the happenings. But the real you who could be more productive is suppressed by the effects of a slower moving world. It is necessary to slow down at times, but dragging yourselves to satisfy others shouldn’t be a noble option. I am forced to act as the conventions say and I follow them 95% of the times. Unknowingly when I ‘disobey’ or in the proper sense or ideologies when I so-called ‘break the convention’ then the environment acts through my mother, relatives or society as aggression or suppression saying I am an imbecile to do this or that and I should be doing it the PERFECT way to not lose its purity or clarity. This is so much affected in the religious ideologies and frequent clashes that happen in its name. As I jot down this article I had been suppressed in losing the common sense for placing the ‘pooja’ items on the ground, packed in a sack and for not keeping it in the pooja/worship room. I don’t know why but older people are reluctant to be progressive minded. My gut feeling says 20% of older community would be improvising the conventions to diplomatically satisfy the older and newer worlds/generations. Act as you command and not for others, unless the situation demands otherwise. Think forward and act productively. Don’t stand with the world to slow you down. Who knows, maybe you are going to be too fast for even the light at some point of time ;)

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Calicut, Kerala, India
Scribble ... Scribble... Scribble... that's what I like :) It doesn't matter what I write, since I write what I SEE& I FEEL what I write! You could find more of personal stuff here . But you could find you in some of them ofcourse... Thanks for reading :)