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Sunday, 4 March 2018

Do you deserve what you give away?

Sometimes, I get confused on why I am living this life of mine. Some say that life has a meaning. Others are atheists when it comes to that belief. What do I believe in? I don't have an answer for that yet. But let's talk.

I was lucky to have been brought by an awesome duo (my parents) and a loving brother (although crazy at times :P) Last January the family just got expanded by a teeny bit, by my wife :). I had been through hard times... physical breakdowns and metal agony... and I had a handful of friends to support me and help me get through them. To all of these people, what you could give was love and more love. I took all those chances that came by me to make them happy, care for them, and help them in their hardships. But, when you invest your joy and life in making others happy, do you expect something in return? I felt that I didn't, and I used to brag about it. But it suddenly dawned on me that the investment (let's call it) is not fruitful if you are not receiving the respect and the response for the efforts that you put for a better world around you, right?

Then, there is the other side where philosophically, you do what you think you should do and do not expect. And the steadfast rule is: YOU DON'T EXPECT! Yes... But I feel that we are all made to expect, brought up in a society and environment where you are made to expect. Expectations always stayed the primary goal. Expectations to score good grades... expectations to be a topper... expectations to end up in a "good" and well-paid job... get settled... get married...  get along with the society as they expect you to... and many more... Can you think of a reason why you shouldn't be the society and become a rebel, not to expect and live?

Think... Each and every homeless person whom you meet in the streets at some point of your life come to you for help. Many won't mind the presence of the helpless even being there. For the helpless person, he moves on and meet the next person going around him. If he was to EXPECT, he would have been done with his life long back. But he holds HOPE! Is there a difference?  For me, yes there is. When you expect, you are definite that you are getting it or sure of something to happen. And if it doesn't, then your gloomy face rise. But hope is a wish... a feeling that you 'would' be getting it or something 'could' happen. If it didn't work, then it was a lost hope, and you move on.

I always hope that the people around me can give me back what I give them in plenty... love! Most often, I don't. They move holding their handful of matters and can't keep them in a trolley to pick mine up, can they? I respect the "busy" life that they have made for them. I respect the "priorities" that have kept in for them... Just like me! So why the hell should I complain or be sad about what they are not giving you? Forget it. Ultimately, its a one man show as I already told. And I believe in living my life with a purpose. That purpose could refine as I move on, but the idea remains the same. My purpose of life is to help people... to help them understand and to help them with what they lack. I would do it the best way possible with no returns expected. I would be courteous to others who support for the cause and respect everyone around with their way of life. I live for others and that is what I strive for.

What do you think is the meaning of your life?

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Calicut, Kerala, India
Scribble ... Scribble... Scribble... that's what I like :) It doesn't matter what I write, since I write what I SEE& I FEEL what I write! You could find more of personal stuff here . But you could find you in some of them ofcourse... Thanks for reading :)